Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Thing Of The Past

Remember the good old incandescent light bulb everybody uses? Well that might become a thing of the past with new evolving technology around the bend. Some Republicans from the our nation's capitol makes sure that does not happen. They want to get get rid of Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007. The bill signed under former President George W. Bush, which states that one hundred incandescent light bulbs to be thirty percent more energy efficient by January 2012.

That makes the manufactures higher production prices which is not good for the everyday consumer. Consumers are especially ill because a regular bulb cost about sixty cents. Now with the Fluorescent Light bulbs, they will cost $3.40. But with high cost comes with a positive note, which is the new light bulbs can last up to ten times longer than the average light bulb.

In my opinion, this is just outrageousProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

It seems like everyday that Washington D.C. is becoming more of a nanny state. The government should not be telling what light bulbs we can carry, no matter how high our electrical bill gets. That is the whole purpose of this whole bill, which is saving energy and money. Fluorescent bulbs are too bright, I can't stand them. Let us have a choice of what bulb we can buy in this country.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nothing New In Christianity

The biggest religion in this world is Christianity. Christianity has over a thousand denominations across the globe. With those thousands of denominations including non-denominational who is right? There is a new pastor that thinks he has the answers in his new book, which he believes will change the world. This man from Michigan has gained so much attention, even the main stream media can not get his eyes off him.

His name is Rob Bell and he has gained plenty of attention through his new book: "Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. His book describes of what he thinks on Heaven and Hell and the answer is: No Hell. The book helps understand why there is so much suffering in this world. Plenty of people from the other aisle thinks he is a false prophet and taking his followers down the wrong path. He believes that everybody is going to heaven instead of believing it vice-versa.

In my opinion, he is teaching the wrong message. I don't believe that everybody will go to hell, I believe a vast majority of humans will go to heaven, while a few does not. The Bible says there is a hell and its there for the wiked and those that hate God with a passion. Rob Bell is not the first man to preach this word, some relatives from way back went to a church that did not believe in Hell. For me, I believe there is a heaven and a hell. It may be controversy but it is freedom of religion and speech.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Soaring Gas Prices

In 2008 gas prices were at their highest pushing five dollars a gallon. When Bush left office, the American citizens were excited to see that gas was down to 1.99 and lower. But now with all the unrest in the Middle East, especially with Libya, gas is sky rocketing. Prices in the state of Alabama is pushing 3.50 a gallon. In California it is over four dollars a gallon.

Reports are coming in that prices for a barrel is 107 dollars a gallon. The unrest in The Middle East is making an oil shortage. Libya is the third largest oil producer on the planet and if nobody gets nothing done over there, prices will skyrocket. Some are predicting that if Saudi Arabia goes, it will cripple the global economic recovery. Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil producer.

My opinion is that I find major problems with this situation. My problem is that when gas started to rise, the media was dead silent about it. There was no bashing like you saw when Bush was in office. Weeks go by and still no report from the major media outlets, thinking like the Obama Administration is not responsible. Now the media is coming out reporting, and this what don't make any sense: they report about it but there is  no negative feedback. CNN and MSNBC keep preaching about alternative energy since gas prices are going up like its good news. I remember a clip from youtube of Obama saying in 2008 that energy prices will skyrocket under my plan in quote. Don't worry, the media is not going to report that.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Future Is Here

Remember when you watch a spy movie, especially James Bond, we would see all this nice equipment to spy on people. That has now become a reality with new technological spyware against our foriegn enemy. A company in Southern California called " AeroVironment" has created this new technology to spy on people and they won;t even know it. This new technology is in the shape of a Hummingbird. And it's also called "The Nano- Hummingbird".

The Nano-Hummingbird can do anything that the military cannot reach or see. This new piece of technology has high definition sound and can take multiple pictures. The troops are very positive about this because it can go anywhere that man cannot go. It can also locate people in destroyed building such as what happened in Haiti. The Nano-Hummingbird can last for about a week before recharching and can reach altitudes of fifty-five to sixty-five thousand feet in the air.

In my opinion this is great for the military. The military needs this type of technology to spy on our enemies before they make an attack. On the other hand, if it fell into the wrong hands, that would be terrible. I just hope that our government does not take advantage of it to spy on the American people. On the positve note, this is a great day for the military for having The Nano-Hummingbird.
