Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Warning Children

Warning to all the children of New York. Reports are coming in that dodge ball and Tag may lead to injuries if you don't watch out. According to reports in Albany health officials was deeming these activities as dangerous to young children. For right now it is not being past due to the protests of parents. Summer is just around the corner and if these regulations passed  it would the summer more boring.

In my opinion this just not makes sense in any form or fashion. In one hand you got the health officials saying that we need our children to get out and exercise and then at the same time limiting certain activities. I'm only going to say this once and that is we are becoming a nanny state. Our government is getting way to involved within our lives. Our founders would roll in their graves if they heard this. But on the other hand, the government tells us don't worry about the $14.3 trillion in debt. Our government needs to get on the right side of the tracks.


Warning Children

Warning to all the children of New York. Reports are coming in that dodge ball and Tag may lead to injuries if you don't watch out. According to reports in Albany health officials was deeming these activities as dangerous to young children. For right now it is not being past due to the protests of parents. Summer is just around the corner and if these regulations passed  it would the summer more boring.

In my opinion this just not makes sense in any form or fashion. In one hand you got the health officials saying that we need our children to get out and exercise and then at the same time limiting certain activities. I'm only going to say this once and that is we are becoming a nanny state. Our government is getting way to involved within our lives. Our founders would roll in their graves if they heard this. But on the other hand, the government tells us don't worry about the $14.3 trillion in debt. Our government needs to get on the right side of the tracks.
